Treating Your Ankle Injury
Posted on:
13 January 2019
Ankle injuries can be serious and extremely painful medical problems to experience. However, patients that have suffered ankle injuries may not be fully aware of the steps that they can take in order to treat this injury so that they can fully recover as quickly as possible.
Keep The Ankle Elevated
Elevating the ankle is a step that many people will fail to take when they are addressing an ankle injury.
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Addressing Your Chronic Heel Pain
Posted on:
23 September 2018
For those that are unfortunate enough to experience significant heel pain, it may seem as though it will be impossible to find relief from this discomfort. However, chronic heel pain does not have to dominate your life, as there are steps that can reduce the severity of these symptoms.
Control Swelling
Some patients will find that intense swelling seems to occur with heel pain. Addressing this swelling can help to alleviate the severity of the pain you experience.
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Tips For Treating And Preventing Athlete's Foot Fungal Infections
Posted on:
6 January 2017
If an area on your foot or toes has developed a scaly dry patch that itches when your foot gets sweaty, then you likely have athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus that gets into the skin cells of your feet and causes blisters, peeling, and itching. While athlete's foot isn't dangerous, it is very irritating and should be treated as soon as you discover it. If you do not treat your athlete's foot fungus, then it can spread to other parts of your body and even work its way down inside of your toenails.
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3 Signs Of A Sprained Ankle...And What To Do About It
Posted on:
10 November 2016
All sorts of things can cause a sprained ankle, such as straining yourself while you are exercising or playing sports. If you have recently injured your ankle but are unsure of whether or not it might be strained, there are a few symptoms that you can watch out for. These are a few signs that you might have a sprained ankle.
1. Swelling
One common sign of a sprained ankle is swelling.
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